Crystal's Story

My name is Crystal Barwick. I am from Swainsboro Ga. When I arrived at Angel’s in Flight I was broken and lost! I had given up all hope of life. Now over 4 years later clean from drugs and alcohol I have such an amazing, normal, wonderful life! We Do Recover! This statement was painted on one of the walls at the center and I remember looking at it every morning and thinking “do we, can I really do this” and with every day I got stronger and more posiMve! God saved my life. He put Mrs. Penny and Mr. Wes into my life and used them and the center to help make me strong!!!

While at the center I started working at the Dairy Queen and have been there now for almost 4years. While at the center I volunteered over 300 hours at the community service board in Dublin trying to help make my new community a beSer place to live! I graduated Angel’s in Flight in June of 2017 and I decided to stay in Wrightsville. I found a liSle house and God made it possible for me to be able to move into in in October of that same year! My two kids are back in my life. My family finally answers when I call, and they call me. It’s an amazing feeling to have myself back. It has been hard at Mmes. I’ve been so close to losing my sobriety so many Mmes but I just don’t! Angel’s in Flight helped me build skills for dealing with that stuff. I learned so much about why I was the way I was. I was taught how to live life on life’s terms. I lost my Papa and my Granny, I baSled cervical cancer, and so many things that should have sent me over the edge, and would have 4yrs ago……but with Gods help and the strength I have built up I am sMll holding my sobriety strong.

I have been an addict for 20 or more years. I have fought for my life and won. I love Recovery and this new amazing life that I have! Staying here in Wrightsville, close to my support system and the people who know what I’ve been through and how far I’ve come has been the best decision I ever made. Without Mrs. Penny and Mr. Wes I would have never made it! They gave me a chance when nobody else would, and for that I am forever grateful!!!

I pray for every addict out there sMll struggling and fighMng this disease! My only hope is that they see me and all the others who have made it out and realize that they can too! There are people out there who want to help! We should all get the chance to live this sober life! I am living proof that recovery is real and it does happen if you want it! AddicMon is a disease! God is the cure!

9.9.16. My clean date
• With Gods Help We Do Recover